5 Tips on How to Survive a Test Using One Night Policy

When it comes to examination time, some students might manage their time well. But some others may not. They may spend time doing other kinds of stuff, and all of those lessons that needed to review are now crammed into them. Plus, anxiety and depression are also causing them, or you - my beloved readers - troubles. So now I suggest 5 tips that you can use to deal with your problem!

1. Manage Your Night Before the Test Well

Skills needed: Time management skills

How you can manage this? Well, it depends on what subject you are going to take the exam on tomorrow. There are two cases regarding this:

A. For "Arts" Subjects (History, Geography, Literature Studies, Civilization, Global Studies, etc.)
- Make sure you have all of your lessons well prepared right in front of you. I mean you have to know what the lessons that you need to review are.
- Make sure that all handouts and notes are there, too. Because the test would come up with many questions regarding the teacher's explanation while he or she was teaching.
-  When you have all of these, you may divide your time accordingly.

B. For "Science" Subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Demographic, Statistics, etc.)
- Make sure you have all the formulas that are needed to remember writing on a separate piece of paper
- Make sure you have some exercise or other extra course materials to practice.
- When you have all of these, you may divide your time accordingly.

For how long can you spend on doing one particular thing, you may consider it by yourself. And make sure to make yourself comfortable enough to follow what you plan.

Last word: Have all of your weapons to fight, and plan the time to strike well!

2. Don't Cram

Skills needed: Task-oriented skills

You might have crammed your things already, but now you should not anymore. You might cram but cram selectively, which means you have to be good enough to select the materials that are needed for the test. Remember to minimize all the unnecessary tasks and focus more on the things that are really important to you. You may prioritize the tasks depending on their importance, rather than urgency, because on the exam paper, you may find out that all of those important points are scored much higher than the others.

Last word: Choose selectively what is worth cramming for!

3. Don't Panic

Skills needed: Emotion-controlling skills

You may find it super hard to focus on a particular thing when it comes to only some hours left before your test may start and you still have many things to review and study. Don't panic, dear! Just don't! You are not the only one. Some of your friends have not been reviewing, too. What you have to do is calm yourself down. Review everything point by point and lesson by lesson.

Last word: Keep calm and don't worry! You are not the only one who isn't reviewing anything yet.

4. Sleep Right After You Finish Everything

Skills needed: Self-regulation skills

Some research projects focus on this field. And there is one research study that stated that when you go to sleep after you learn something, you slow down the rate of memory deterioration, the rate at which you forget things after you wake up. In addition, I also do that as well. So I highly recommend you practice this way too. You should eat well your dinner, then take a shower, after that you may review your lessons. And the last of all is to sleep right after you finish your study.

Last word: Your brain has to rest, too. Let him rest, and he could help you remember even more when you wake up!

5. Use Your Memory Capacity to the Max

Skills needed: Memorizing skills, Recalling skills, Observation skills, and Note-taking skills

Last but surely not least! This is the most important one! Actually, your one-night policy will not work at all if you don't take these last tips seriously.

Actually, it all depends on your memory which you have to remember some basic information regarding your lessons. You have to take notes well and listen carefully to what the lecturer or your teacher has talked about. By doing so, you build up the basic need for your reviewing later. (For example, this one-night policy here) You might consider changing your learning style, which you should focus more on your daily class rather than focus heavily on just one night before the exam starts. When coming to the review time, you will be much easier to recall everything in a short time and effort.

Last word: Take your class seriously!



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